Online Classes – Coming soon


$ Coming Soon
per month
Great to get inspired and start your cooking journey!
Personalized 7 day meal plan preparation
Detailed daily instructional videos
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$ Coming Soon
1 time payment
Ready to root in and develop your nutritious eating habits for sustainable lifestyle change
Unlimited access to ever growing library of educational videos
How to substitute unhealthy ingredients with healthy ones
Cooking Methods
Batch cooking
Flavor development
Raw gastronomy
Traditional Armenian and Bulgarian Cuisines
Mediterranean Cuisines
1 Monthly check in live call with us

6 Months

$ Coming Soon
1 time payment
Turn your nutritious eating habits into becoming confident home chef in your own kitchen and WOW your family and friends with your delicious creations!
Access to Everything included in 3 months subscription
+ Discounted price ticket for our Live in person local Cooking Events
+ 2 Monthly check in live calls with us